PLEASE NOTE: This site is a mirror. It was last updated in 1998 and will no longer be modified. For more recent content please go to the permanent History of Chemical Engineering web site.
We hope you have enjoyed this web site. Thank you for continuing to help us improve it. All of your comments, suggestions, praise, and snide remarks are greatly appreciated....keep them coming!
-Wayne Pafko
Wayne Pafko "The Author" (at permanent home site)
M. Pafko (Dec. 31, 1973 - Present)
The author holds a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota (1997). He is presently working in food product development for the Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previous positions have included a technical aide position at 3M, summer internship at AlliedSignal Laminate Systems, and co-owner of Cedar Lake Software (a small shareware software publisher). This web site (a history of chemical engineering targeted primarily at high school and college students) was initiated as a special project during an introductory class on the history of science and technology at the University of Minnesota. It has since grown into one of the most popular chemical engineering web sites, and provides a good introduction to what the profession is all about.
PLEASE NOTE: This site is a mirror. It was last updated in 1998 and will no longer be modified. For more recent content please go to the permanent History of Chemical Engineering web site.